Some Jewish Cantors
on 78 rpm records

The below list is a description of the contents of some Jewish cantorial music that I have recently catalogued and tried to date. I would be most happy if I could get some help dating them and if anyone has any details whatsoever pertaining to these recordings, and history of these labels it would be a great help.

I understand that Beka started making doublesided records after 1904 and was bought up sometime 1916? and therefore went out of business then. Odéon and Polydor are of course wellknown labels but I have not enough experience to be able to date them either.

(last revised at 970501 Lars Fredriksson)

Please send mail to me if you have any comments disco "at" bolingo "dot" org

I am truly grateful to the people who have answered my plea, and especially to the gentleman Görgen Antonsson. The following comments are some of his input and some are from other collectors and knowledgeable people sofar.

According to Hansfried Siebens: "Beka : Band I : die Matrizen-Nummern den akustischen Aufnahmen mit verschiedenen Durchmessern und teilweiser Rekonstruktion von 174 bis 15999 (1904 bis 1915)</i>, 2., erw. Aufl. (Düsseldorf : H. Sieben, 1992)

Regardless of the label-text the matrixes 13079 to 13090 were recorded in Berlin 1910 by "Gerson Sirota (Ober-Kantor, Warschau); Chor" matrix 10716 however, that the label is claimes to be by Sirota, actually is by Oberkantor [Wolf probably] Wilder aus Odessa ... and recorded in Berlin 1907.

No other traces are to be found of the other Beka-matrixes, neither in Band 1 or Band II (that deals with 30000-33407 for the years 1915-1926) and that may indicate that they are not german recordings.

Jumbola should be a Beka-label, and from another german discography (don't have the title at the moment) it should be evident that it is recorded at the latest 1909, and corresponds fairly well with the fact that Joseph Rosenblatt emigrated to USA 1912.

(Paul Vernon mentioned that Jumbola also made recordings in Spain.)

Artiphon is hard to establish a date for but should at least be before 1924.
And Oberkantor Kwartin (or Zevulun Kwartin) emigrated to USA 1920.

Det är nog inte alltför ovanligt med olika etiketter på vardera skivsidan, liksom med sidnummer snarare än ett gemensamt skivnummer - detta gäller t.ex. Grammophone Company under hela 1910-talet.

The Beka-label with the pastoral scene exists in Sweden at least in 1919 so it is probably safe to say that it can be dated to the 1910's.

(Jag ser just att den enda Artiphon-skiva jag har är från 1929 - och har olika nr på skivsidorna!)

Den seriösa The record collector finns på ALB (ej att förväxla med pop-dito, som f.ö. är stulen till stor del på ALB).



Oberkantor Wolf Wilder mit Chor aus Odessa

12055 Unssane Tokef 211110A - K20Q
12046 En Komaucho A8322-K20Q

Oberkantor Salómo Pinkasovicz mit Klavierbegleitung

16258 Mimkômôj A25521-C31E
16256 Ochiloh loel A27521-C21E

Oberkantor Salómo Pinkasovicz mit Harmoniumbegleitung

16379 Wehakohanim A61021-J14E
16380 Kiddusch "l'Rosch-Haschonah A131021-J14E


Asyranski mit Chor unter Leitung von Gottbeter

19205 Purim Land 10205

Weisburd mit Chor unter Leitung von Gottbeter

19206 Mit dem Rebens Koiach 14800A


Oberkantor Josef Rosenblatt Hamburg, Begleiter: Kapellm. Dr. Krone

No. 19177 Zadik Rabi Eliosor I. Teil, aus "Kinos"(Rosenblatt) A61010 - XB02887
No. 19178 Zadik Rabi Eliosor II. Teil, aus "Kinos"(Rosenblatt) A50017 - XB02888 [XB]


J. Guttmann und Frau (Jüdisch Duett)

101050 Scheidungsszene von dem Kultanek 3443r - V*101050 M
2-102599 Rituelle Beschneidungsszene (1590) 3444r - V*2-102599 .O.


Oberkantor Adolf Weitz, Berlin-Charlottenburg, mit Harmoniumbegleitung

No. 1168 Jskerem A25521 - E12E
No. 1167 Sch'ma Jsroel A26521 - E12E

No. 1364 Kiddusch für Sabbath A6 4 22 - C 20 D
No. 1366 Einsegnung des neuen Monats A6 4 22 - C 20 D

No. 1365 Gedächtnisgesang für Verstorbene A6 4 22 - C 20 D
No. 1368 Adonaj, Adonaj für die Feiertage A6 4 22 - C 20 D

Oberkantor Adolf Weitz, Berlin-Charlottenburg, mit dem Synagogenchor und Harmoniumbegleitung

No. 1180 Lecho daudi (Lewandovsky) A 10 6 21 - E 24 E
No. 1179 Ein Komaucho (Sulzer) A 10 6 21 - E 24 E


Oberkantor Wilder aus Odessa mit Chor

No. 13090 Kol Nidre

Kantor Sirota mit Chor aus Warschau

No. 10716 Ail mole Rachmim 10716

Israel Tkatsch, Oberkantor im Budapest mit Harmonium-Begleitung

47486 Kol Nidre 47486
47485 Mimkojmcho 47485

Oberkantor Wilder aus Odessa mit Chor

No.13083 Chanuka-Lied [mooz zur] 13083 [#22]
No. 13084 Zaddik katomor #22

No. 13084 Zaddik katomor #22
No. 13085 Kiddusch #22

Oberkantor Kwartin

16291 Luel Boruch Neimos 16291
16292 Zir Jisruel 16292

No. 16287 Jehi Ruzon 16287
No. 16288 Weschomru 16288

Beka-Grand-Record *

Oberkantor Kwartin

No. 16293 Mimkomchu 16293


Oberkantor Kwartin

No. 16294 Jekadschehu 16294

* This record has different labels on each side:

16293 is the brownish red label above and 16294 is the pastoral scene label, This could maby be because of Pathé at the fair 1904 released the first records engraved on both sides. In a rush to deal with this competition maby Beka (and maby other companies aswell) took their already printed labels intended for the singlesided records and put them on the new double format thus resulting in many issues of both different labels and labelnumbers (cataloguenumbers) often very far apart.


Israel Tkatsch, Oberkantor, Budapest, mit Harmonium-Begleitung

No. 47483 En Komocho 47483 - B
No. 47484 Aw Hurachmim 47484


I'd love to include a bibliography here but the only titles I know of was the one mentioned by Howard Sanner at the Library of Congress (if he could please list the other 16 hits that would be fine), and a couple I found at Tara publications web-pages:

Samuel Vigoda: Legendary Voices; the Fascinating Lives of the Great Cantors.
LC call no. is ML400.V55 1981.

Schall: Hazzanut Trilogy 3 Vol Set / Tara Books

(Three volumes of traditional Hazzanut meticulously notated and edited by a leading expert in the field of Nusach. These volumes have received world-wide critical acclaim from cantors, musicians and students and all those interested in liturgical recitatives. Materials were culled from the repertoire of Rapaport, Kaminsky, Sulzer, Roitman, Bakon, Ganchoff, Glantz, Alter and others.
Catalog # CA-NSC-00S)

Pasternak and Schall: Golden Age of the Cantors / Tara Book

(The overview of the greatest period of cantorial artistry 26 cantors each represented by an acclaimed recitative, meticulously transcribed (some with piano accompaniment), introduction and historical overview, Biographical sketches and stylistic analysis, Cantorial photos and Memorabilia. 90 minute cassette featuring 19 of the original recordings - Catalog # CA-PAS-10B)


There is a discography of Rosenblatt by Dr. Joseph Greene in "The Record Collector" magazine, Vol. 20, Nos.6/7 (May, 1972).

Most of the cantorial records were released on various of the record company "ethnic" series. A listing of all such cantorial recordings actually recorded in the U.S. can be found in Volume 3 (of a seven volume set) of Ridhard K. Spottswood's magnificent discographical treasure chest, "Ethnic Music on Records", published by the University of Illinois Press.

(If you can suggest further reading and have more data on the above. I'll include that in next revision.)


(And here of course I would like to have a complete discography of reissued material, awaiting your feedback I include a partial one. I list the tracks when I know them so if anyone would take pity on me and send me more information for the ones I have not yet been able to see personally.)


92581-2 Seven Great Cantors [1920's-1930's] Hebrew

785030 Legendary Cantors Hebrew

Leisure Time Records(US)
[LTR??? The Golden Years of Cantorial Music Vol. 1 Hebrew]
LTR147 The Golden Years of Cantorial Music Vol. 2 Hebrew

Menorah Records(US)
MEN 213 Cantor Pinchik sings Hebrew (Originals RCA Victor,1928-30)

GEMM9313 Cantors & Cantorials 1904-1936 Hebrew

1044 Great Cantors 1903-1930 Hebrew

7002 Mysteries of the Sabbath-Jewish
Cantors 1907-1947 Hebrew


ALE201 Cantor Moshe Koussevitzky Hebrew/US
ALE202 Cantor Moshe Koussevitzky Hebrew/US
ALE203 Cantor Moshe Koussevitzky Hebrew/US
ALE204 Cantor Moshe Koussevitzky Hebrew/US
CG590 Great Voices of the Synagogue Hebrew/US
CG592 Music of the French Synagogue Hebrew
CG600 Seven Great Cantors Hebrew/US
CG609 Cantorial Rarities Hebrew/US
CG620 Cantor Zavel Kwartin Hebrew
CG635 Ten Great Cantors Hebrew
CG645 Cantor Zavel Kwartin Hebrew
CG646 Cantor Zavel Kwartin Hebrew
CG647 Cantor Zavel Kwartin Hebrew
CG650 Cantor Joseph Rosenblatt Hebrew/US
CG651 Cantor Joseph Rosenblatt Hebrew/US
CG652 Cantor Joseph Rosenblatt Hebrew/US
CG654 Cantor Joseph Rosenblatt Hebrew/US
CG695 Cantor Joseph Rosenblatt Hebrew/US
CG670 Cantor Moshe Kousevitzky Hebrew

Early Cantors (3LP box) Hebrew/US


list to be supplied

Created at Bolingo Productions in Sweden, copyright Lars Fredriksson | Latest revision (only cosmetic) Friday, 6 October , 2006.